pakistan design

A Culturally-rich Take on Pakistan’s Currency Notes+

Currency notes are some of the most ubiquitous artefacts in modern society. Primarily a tool of economic activity, they are...

Read More+ 6 years ago

The Desi Designers: #7: Anum Awan+

For the seventh episode of our The Desi Designers Series, we interviewed Boston-based Pakistani designer Anum Awan. Hailing from Lahore, Anum attended...

Read More+ 9 years ago
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Super Students: Reviewing Visual Design Work by KU Students+

One of our readers recently pointed us to the Annual Thesis Display of Karachi University’s Visual Arts Department. We were...

Read More+ 11 years ago
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20 Best Brand Happenings of 2013+

With the year 2013 now behind us and the Worst Brand Happenings List done with, it is time to sit...

Read More+ 11 years ago
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The Desi Designers: #4: Babar Suleman+

The Desi Designer #4 (See #1, #2, & #3), Babar Suleman, boasts an interesting mix of different skills and talents:...

Read More+ 11 years ago

We Got a Designer In-Da-House: Being an In-House Designer in Pakistan and Beyond+

In my art college, the renowned National College of Arts, our course instructors taught us that the process of designing...

Read More+ 11 years ago

The Desi Designers: #3: Salman Sajun+

Salman Sajun is an Independent Filmmaker with a passion for Cinematography, currently based in Montreal. We first came across his work...

Read More+ 11 years ago
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The Desi Designers: #2: Sahar Ansari+

Sahar Ansari is an incredibly talented illustrator and artist who has worked in the local advertising industry for some time....

Read More+ 11 years ago
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The Desi Designers: #1: Shehzil Malik+

Shehzil Malik is arguably one of the finest creative talents to come out of Pakistan in recent times. You know...

Read More+ 11 years ago