December, 2011

Pakistan beats Rwanda, Ethiopia and others; clinches bottom spot in Country Brand Index 2011+

The annual Country Brand Index (CBI) report by FutureBrand (part of McCann Erickson group) is now out. The country brands...

Read More+ 13 years ago

A typeface made from the Sky!+

Berlin-based photographer and illustrator Lisa Rienermann has designed this beautiful typeface, all from shots of buildings and the sky. She explains:...

Read More+ 13 years ago
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Express goes swirly girly+

Express Media Group has launched a new channel focusing on just entertainment- as if their overly dramatic, sensationalistic news stories...

Read More+ 13 years ago

Qatar 2022+

Design firm Lambie-Nairn designed this brand identity for the Qatar 2022 Football World Cup bid. Pretty gritty and energetic- I like...

Read More+ 13 years ago